Not able to find any xml layout in activity on setContentView

When trying to get xml layout in activity  on setContentView(R.layout.    )  ==not able to find the layout

=> Reason and solution

1) the layout might some error so instead of repairing it delete and again create it and clean project. ( Specially if you are not getting particular layout)

2) when we are accessing layout to set in Activity and not able to find any layout then its an issue of selection for proper package            ==>  setContentView(R.) = after pressing  r.  when we select layout then select it carefully because it shows                                        default  1) layout-android.R  and  2)layout-your package name.R    so always select layout with your package

 layout ====  2)layout-your package name.R     then you can see all layout

=== setContentView(R.layout.xml_layout)